25th Anniversary of European Capital of Culture, Brussels

I was a plenary speaker at a major European Commission conference in Brussels, celebrating 25 years of the European Capital of Culture programme.

You will find some material from the conference on here. The second day of the conference saw some great discussions emerging from the morning panel on legacy and impact of European Capitals of Culture as well as from afternoon sessions, giving the floor to former hosts of the title.

I made a presentation on the Impacts 08 research programme, placing an emphasis on the relevance of conducting longitudinal (over 5 years) research, and combining an assessment of the economic, social, cultural and environmental dimensions of hosting a major event. My presentation can be dowloaded here.

The morning panel consisted of the following Members:

  • Vladimir Šucha Director DG EAC, European Commission
  • Guillermo Corral van Damme, Director General for Cultural Policy and Industries, Spain
  • Robert Palmer, Culture Director, Council of Europe
  • Beatriz Garcia, Director Impacts 08, University of Liverpool
  • Danuta Glondys, Researcher on the European Capitals of Culture

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